
UM’s image tampering detection technology wins championship at international AI competition, team sponsored by Alibaba to participate in research project

A team from the University of Macau (UM), led by Prof Zhou Jiantao in the Faculty of Science and Technology, has successfully developed a n [...]


澳大、中科院深圳先進院及深理工辦雙邊會議 深化粵澳人才科研合作

澳門大學與中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院 (中國科學院深圳理工大學(籌))首次舉辦雙邊研討會並進行粤港澳人機智能協同系統聯合實驗室揭牌儀式,標誌著雙方合作關係邁向新高度。會上,雙方於就聯合培養人才、資訊技術及生命科學等議題展開深入討論,期望依託彼此優勢力量,深化粵澳合作,將粵港澳 [...]


UM’s research project on autonomous vehicles listed under Macao Funding Scheme for Key R&D Projects

A research project from the University of Macau (UM), titled ‘Research on Key Technologies and Platforms for Collaborative Intelligence-Dri [...]
